So finally I downloaded my awesome museum day pictures from my outing with the new sisters. Here were some of the highlights from the day (the PG ones at least, you'll have to ask Julie for some of the more disturbing ones! Museum of Man should be treaded through carefully...Yikes!)
Julie made a new friend while we were there...this may have been her favorite piece, and you really can't blame her. It's gorgeous, and I think they would have been good friends.
The art museums were my favorite. We found some real beauties, although looking back through my pictures, I photographed mostly the things that struck me as funny or ugly. What is wrong with me??
For instance ~
This piece of work is called "Great Jewish Bride" and we couldn't figure out whether this was referring to her general character, or simply the girth units of her hair.
The brave Kirstie attempted to better deduce the meaning. We laughed a lot in that room, although I can't quite remember what all was so terribly funny :}
This guy somehow reminded both Julie and I of our Scotto for some reason...I just can't put my finger on it...
This ungodly young...boy? is enough to give anybody nightmares. So many unanswered questions concerning the hat, head shape, ridiculously frightening face when closer than 4 feet away, and horrid pallor. Was this art? Worse yet, was this a real boy?? Egad.
This is in honor of Kirstie's claim to having seen a Pegasus in the background of one of the paintings. Do you see it? I may have to give her this one. I honestly don't know what else they could have been going for.
There is nothing funny about this bench. But I desire it greatly. I would find space for you, my wooden, sleek, and awesome friend.
Now, this is a must MUST must see. Everybody, drop what you are doing (unless you are holding your laptop, in which case, please lay it down gently, no need to be rude) put some shoes on and go to the Mingei International Museum (Folk Art, Design, and Crafts). Yes, right now - why don't you take me seriously?
This amazing piece of work is by a woman named Alice Hudson who created a little elf named Wednesday for her creepy friend. Yes, her friend is creepy, it's all part of the story, just listen. Like I was saying, Wednesday was created for her friend because he always painted his hideous nails gold on Wednesdays.
That is Wednesday in the middle, at the bottom of the stairs. Alice sent Creepy McCreepster Wednesday so that he would stop trying to be her friend, but he kept talking to her anyway so Alice began making more and more friends for little Wednesday (Wed. needed some group therapy after being with Gold Nails too long). Alice also began making the MOST AMAZING palace for Wednesday and her friends that I have ever ever seen. Feast your eyes on her 4 foot tall palace made of things Alice found in nature (and some wire and glue I hear).
The palace has three dragons (the video said two, but we saw three - one lights the fires in the kitchen hearth which is a goose egg) but Alice went up about 17 notches in my book when dragons became part of the story.
Every character and room had a story and purpose. If you want to see more about it, it's called A Palace for Wednesday. We stared in wonderment for a very long time. And I wanted to play with it so badly. Or go home and start crafting things out of leaves. This is like every little girl's dream. Or at least the awesome little girls. I'm going to try to make stuff like this with my kids. How awesome.
Ok, I have to go get ready for our most amazing Saturday. Scott and I are finally finally going to CIRQUE DU SOLEIL!!!! and we could not be any more excited :}
I'll share pictures and gushing later.
Happy Weekend all!
18 stunning wedding chapels across the US
5 days ago
I WANT THE PALACE FOR WEDNESDAY!!!! PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE! Can I put it on the registry somehow???
And I laughed SO hard at the statue that "mysteriously" reminded you of Scott. Snickersnickersnicker. Oh and the creepy boy. Frightening for sure. Museums are so fun once you grow up and realize you don't have to take it all seriously ;-)
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