That's really the only bullet point you need to sum up my day at the preschool today. Add a few hilarious lines from small children (especially ones with lisps. Can't get enough of that goodness) and a good dowsing in the toilet (child - not me) and you have the summary. In fact, I even read this book to the children at one point in the day.
But really. I really did have a wonderful day. I'm exhausted now, but happy. Sitting in sweats, full of delicious Diehl duo dinner (the d's just kept rollin, I couldn't stop myself!), and sipping coffee, I finally have a decent moment to reflect on the adventures of my day with the Wild Things.
Here are the highlights...
A little girl that had the "same hair" as me (the only two blonds in the classroom) drew a picture of the two of us hanging out and then at nap time whispered, "Miss Heidi? I love you." You just can't beat that in a day's work.
The most difficult little boy of the day, at nap time while I was trying to get him to JUST
Hold Still on his mat, asked me to read him a story. This, of course, was only after I took his toys away since he just could not for the life of him stop playing around with them while he was supposed to be sleeping. Also after said taking of toys and his reaction to pull himself under a table and cling to the legs, biting them with his teeth. Good Lord.
So after all this, the child asked me to read him a story. I explained to him that I could not at the time because then every child would want their own book or me to read to them. His reply was priceless.
He sat up, and told me in so many words, "No, not a book story. {Please insert his little fist pounding his kidney here} A Heart Story. Like Onethuponatime." -- I nearly died. I then proceeded to tell him a Onethuponatime story. He interrupted me each of the three different kidney...I mean, heart stories I tried to tell and began embellishing in his own manner. Yet it was still cute.
He also redeemed himself later that day from the table biting incident by climbing into my lap after nap time with his blankie and leaning his head on my shoulder, telling me he was still
so sleepy. Ok're not such a pill after all. At least not all the time.
Third highlight. After lunch, a little boy goes into the bathroom and I suddenly hear a small yelp. That is juuust never a good thing. He peeks out the stall door and calls out, "Cheacher?" I came over and he walked out with his pants and delicates around his little ankles and his shirt pulled up with one hand to tell me that he had fallen into the potty and his clothes were now wet. We changed his clothes and he had a good giggle when we told his dad later. I suppose a toilet is really quite the large piece of hardware to deal with for a 4 year old.
That's about it for now. I could really use some good couch-movie-coffee-and-cookie time with the mister.
Hope your Monday was at least half what mine was :}
AH! I died at the "heart stories" part.
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