just felt the need to make that clear in the title. i love all things baby/child so i often save things like neat patterns, toy ideas, room ideas, name ideas ... and stuff like that. however, i recently said the phrase, "scott and i just found out...that we have a leak in our bedroom" over the phone to a friend and she had a minor heart attack and told me not to start a sentence with any such sentiments again. unless i meant...you know...(a baby).
so i am being very careful at the mention of anything little Diehl like. Not Yet folks! not yet!
however, with all this caution being put out there - i was browsing through my latest addiction: Brooke Hellewell Reynold's blog "inchmark", (and by latest, we're talking, discovered her last night and browsed through pages and pages of her blog). anyway, i was browsing and finding tons of awesome ideas (she was the senior art director for both Martha Stewart Living and Kids) when i stumbled upon the name Liesl.
now i know, the first thing you think of is this:
but what do you really think of a Liesl Diehl? too much? too cute-sie? it's a lot of i's and e's granted - but they sound very different. unlike say...Heidi Diehl :]
anyway, i haven't even run it by Scott. that and we don't even have a baby to try it out on. the thought just occurred to me in passing.
more thoughts later. less baby-like too, i promise. this is just what happens when i blog before i shower...those are related, don't worry. or think about that too much...
watch this to forget all about this nonsense. i'm addicted to his cover songs.
18 stunning wedding chapels across the US
5 days ago
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