Friday, February 5, 2010

NOT expecting...Not. Very Much Not.

just felt the need to make that clear in the title. i love all things baby/child so i often save things like neat patterns, toy ideas, room ideas, name ideas ... and stuff like that. however, i recently said the phrase, "scott and i just found out...that we have a leak in our bedroom" over the phone to a friend and she had a minor heart attack and told me not to start a sentence with any such sentiments again. unless i know...(a baby).

so i am being very careful at the mention of anything little Diehl like. Not Yet folks! not yet!

however, with all this caution being put out there - i was browsing through my latest addiction: Brooke Hellewell Reynold's blog "inchmark", (and by latest, we're talking, discovered her last night and browsed through pages and pages of her blog). anyway, i was browsing and finding tons of awesome ideas (she was the senior art director for both Martha Stewart Living and Kids) when i stumbled upon the name Liesl.

now i know, the first thing you think of is this:

I am 16 going on 17...

but what do you really think of a Liesl Diehl? too much? too cute-sie? it's a lot of i's and e's granted - but they sound very different. unlike say...Heidi Diehl :]

anyway, i haven't even run it by Scott. that and we don't even have a baby to try it out on. the thought just occurred to me in passing.

more thoughts later. less baby-like too, i promise. this is just what happens when i blog before i shower...those are related, don't worry. or think about that too much...

watch this to forget all about this nonsense. i'm addicted to his cover songs.


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