Monday, February 1, 2010

revamped and ready for a new week!

as you can see, my blog has been seriously revamped. Scott-oh-incredible-one, sat down one evening and asked if i'd like a makeover on my page. i think it now looks FAB - he did a great job working with what blogspot gave him :)

yea for talented husbands!

now - Check These Out!! i must share my enthusiasm -- we received some of our wedding pictures from the photographers this week and it was SUPER fun to rifle through them and "ooo" and "ahh" over each. i can't put too many up because i'm trying to be good and wait until we have them all to post them...but you have to just see a few!

the man looks gooood in a suit

aren't we dashing?

some field shots. many of these are already my favorites

this is our gem so far. I Love It.

but back to real life - the two of us had a rather jam packed weekend. above mentioned husband - incredible had friday off so we slept in (which was wonderful) rolled out of bed in time for a shamefully late breakfast and decided to go for a hike. a friend of mine recently told me (as i moaned and complained about missing my Northern CA gorgeous hiking sites - i may or may not have flung myself on the floor and pounded my fists - i really couldn't say) about Cowles Mtn here in SD. Scott and i thought that his day off would be a good time to check it out so we did.

great great fun. it's no Rancho San Antonio, but it'll do.

before we left for our hike, Scott, seeing as his alter ego is "Research Man!!" looked up tons of links on the trails, pictures, routes, types of dirt, and of this gentleman's was the best one and pretty much convinced us to get our tushies out the door:

"While I would've preferred a less crowded hiking experience, Cowles Mountain was definitely still worth it. The views from the top are absolutely breathtaking. The day I went was perfectly clear, and I could see all the way into Mexico in the south, the Los Coronados islands off the coast, as well as the snow-capped mountains in the east. Gorgeous. This view was reason enough to hike up Cowles Mountain.

And, as a bonus, my butt has never looked better!"

he had many other comments to make, but this was enough for us!

i didn't take many pictures going up, mostly because i was focusing on the breathing part of hiking and also the majority of the surroundings were dirt.

please note Scott's backpack. we teased each other the entire day over each other's backpacks. I have a perfectly reasonably sized Camelbak which i love. he has his christmas present backpack which i thought was a little Way Over The Top for a two hour hike. so we filled our backpacks, and showed off to each other the whole way. many a snide remark was to be heard, such as, "are you doing ok? your back looks sore from that oversized backpack you're carrying", or "Heidi, let me know if you need more than just a sip of water, because my camelbak carries enough for us both" .... ahhh, that's love :)

he decided this hike was worthy of an energy bar

afterward we schleped our sweaty selves over to whole foods in hillcrest for a yummy sandwich, then headed down to Las Americas to shop! very fun.

that evening, to keep with our new eating lifestyle -- we made this yummy whole wheat pizza.

you can get the dough ready made (if you're lazy like us) from trader joes, then all we did was spread some thin tomato slices as the base, we added a little curry sauce on the tomatoes (i'm sure that's not allowed, but oh well) then loaded it with awesome veggies: bell peppers, zucchini, green onions, more tomatoes, and some spinach. we sprinkled some mozzarella on top (shhh also not allowed but cut us some slack!! we love cheese!) and voila! delish. especially when had with some wine :]

saturday we stayed tucked in bed for too long again, but i have no regrets...then we hustled our way up to temecula to bring down some furniture and hang out with Scott's fam. great fun. we had to hurry home because we had some wonderful long lost friends in town/country that were going to stay at our place. it was fantastic to hang out with all of them again. i'm so sad all my friends are so far these days.

yesterday Scott and i mostly did Fun Things, like got my oil changed, and wandered through Ikea. not my favorite store, but we did find a desk! so woot.

while we were in there, i was reminded of 500 Days of Summer which we just watched, so i turned to Scott while we were in one of the bedroom scenes and said, "Scott, I don't know how to tell you this..." he looked at me with concern. "...But there's a Chinese family in our bathroom" we both cracked up which made all of the irritated parents chasing after their screaming kids stare at us.

Fun Fun.

one last thing before i take off to start my day...
my Auntie Steph commissioned me to make a little sock creature for their family. cute little cousin's birthday is right around the corner so i'm going to try to make one he might like. what a fun project!

this is the newest guy. I need to sew in his eyes and see what else he would like to have, but i think he's coming along quite nicely. our sock family is growing quickly!

alright alright...time to start painting the living room. maybe i can convince the mother to come and help me.

happy monday!


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