Katie Cates knows what I'm talking about...our birthday! It's coming and you really have to think ahead for these things!
Now just to clear my name - I do not usually make a big deal about birthdays, but really, that's part of the problem. Most years I think of what I want to do for my birthday or little things that I might want but by the time the actual day rolls around, I have completely forgotten and I end up with some lame request list because I can't think of things like that under pressure (please refer back to me asking Scott if we could get a pony with our tax money). Not this year! Oh no...I am making up for it this year.
I have started carrying around a little notebook in my purse, and since I am such a list person, I have found it invaluable throughout my days when I think of something that I need to jot down.
Unfortunately, my last one was in the purse that was just stolen. mumble mumble grumble. Therefore I need to begin again. Knowing my memory, all things in that notebook are hereby lost forever so I might as well start fresh. As far as my hippocampus is concerned, the little book never was. Fortunately though, the booklet came in a pack of three, call it fate...so I have begun a new one and yesterday I had the inspiration to write down things for a birthday wish list. I also have a list in the back of the book of things to tell Robin when she's in the states. Things I would usually text/call/mock with her about throughout the day but the current lack of International Calling/Texting Plan hampers.
So far for my birthday I have down:
- Hand mixer
- Membership to Rock Climbing gym (Solid Rock or that new one on Miramar Jay told me about)
- TV stand...but the perfect one (Scott and I love the furniture by this guy check this out:
Shoot! I don't even know what I would do with it. But his stuff has so much character...and that's really what we're about here)
- Hot glue gun
- A diffuser attachment for my hair dryer
- Lunch with Ben Folds
That's all I've got so far, I think I accidentally wrote something that was supposed to be on Robin's list on the birthday list because I really don't want, "Jake Gyllenhaal's new movie/disaster. Preview made my soul hurt." So I should really scratch that off.
Ay Yi Yi! Time for bedershneckers (my father's version of German)
18 stunning wedding chapels across the US
2 weeks ago
Yay birthdays! Also, I really hope you get that lunch with Mr. Folds. Just sayin'. <3, katiecates
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