I enjoy thinking about this particular subject these days and thought I'd share a few of my favorites with you. If I've left something out, by all means, comment and let me know what I missed :}
1. You don't have to leave each other, or say goodnight and then drive home. We are home! You aren't alone anymore (except when one of you is at work and the other is at home, say, on the computer...then technically, yes, you're alone) and time together at home becomes something very precious.
2. We are hilarious. So many fantastic memories have already shown up and I can't wait for more to come. Seriously people, we are laughing all the time. At/With each other- makes no difference.
3. You grow and learn new ways to love and serve each other and how to be served and loved.
4. You gain super powers. Scott and I are telepathic now. No kidding.
5. If you're a girl you can get an awesome new last name. Think about it, your whole life you've been one person, and suddenly you get an alter ego. A whole new start! Pretty amazing. I practiced signing my name yesterday :}
Scott and I agree, this has been the best chapter of life so far...trying to enjoy every day of it. Hope you're in a similar position.
So, anything I missed? Anything you're looking forward to?
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6 days ago
I am sooooooooooo looking forward to #1. Please, oh, please! I mean, seriously, saying goodbye is such an ordeal. What time we will save! Haha.
#4 is already starting. Sometimes I won't tell Charles where I want to eat, just to see if he is thinking/craving the same thing. And he does! I didn't know things like that happened in Real Life.
I'm not sure whether to thank you for sharing, or to whine about feeling more impatient now. Good thing we are wedding planning today!
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