News flash - 4 year old are amazingly tiring. Ten 4 year olds for 8 hours a day...Sweet Moses. My bones actually ache by the end of the day.
Thereby all projects that were lined up have come to a screeching halt. Last weekend I painted a little bit of four walls in the house a lovely gray that I found...haven't touched them since. The 7 minutes a day I get to spend in the kitchen now I look at the painted portion and worry that it looks too lavender-y, but then maybe it's just the blue paint underneath and I need to wait until I can do like a base coat or something. Holly also commented last night that maybe it's our kitchen light bulbs and informed me that there are actually light bulbs that specifically block out blues or reds and such in your rooms. So then the question is do I really want to go out and find some spiffy new blue blocking bulbs?? Or do I just want to find a new shade of gray? I doubt I have the time to actually think about this too hard right now. I could bring in swatches and ask the kids tomorrow...I can just imagine the blank stares and the, "But I don't like gray Miss Heidi, I like PINK!" followed by, "EwwwwwWWWww!! Pink is for GIRLS!" comments I would get :]
The next two weekends are looking a little booked as well, so no projects then either...but maybe I'll be able to get to them sometime this weekend. Well we'll see if I ever wake up Saturday morning.

However, this is the kind of gray that I would LOVE to have in our kitchen/dining room/family room area. Bedroom and bathroom are going to stay the same for now but I do want the rest gray asap. Meaning could someone else come into my house whilst I am busy practicing my comatose pose on my pillow Saturday morning, paint my house and then make me coffee and breakfast? Rad.
Alrighty friends (I've noticed that I utilize the word "friends" a whole lot more these days since that is what we call the kids, i.e."No thank you friends, we are sitting and listening right now", or "Friends, we need to stop killing all the Rollie Pollies [insert child's defense] Yes, but when we put them in our pockets or in our lunch boxes they get squished and can't breathe anymore. Then they DIE") hopefully I'll get to write more in the near future, we have a massive-o coffee table for you to help us coming soon.
Hope your weeks are going well. Remember to eat your healthy food first, that we never hit our friends, even when we are angry, and to please use a kleenex for all intended purposes of the product.
Ashley wants to repaint our living room a shade of grey as well. And some day she wants a house painted in grey with wood trimmings. What's with the grey? I think pink is a great idea. Def. eye grabbing...and you wouldn't have to worry about blue reducing bulbs.
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