Well, it has been a long but rewarding week. I worked all week at the preschool and could potentially share a billion stories, a few rants, and a nasty cough with you, but I will spare you. This time.
I spent a good portion of the evening yesterday addressing Thank You envelopes and plan to do the same tonight. However, I find that weeks when I am away from home for the majority of the day lead to weekends in which I am overwhelmed by all the things I need and want to do. I'm dying to redo some of the painting above our couch and maybe add another canvas or two...I also have some beautiful grey fabric that is asking to be made into a pillow and maybe some curtains. While imagining said pillow, I stumbled on some new things from Emersonmade. I do like a lot of her stuff (esp some of her dresses), however, something about her bothers me for some reason. I'm a terrible person, I know.
Just forget about that little fact and check this out:
I could make those! So now add that to the list of things that I want to try out this weekend...and don't have enough time for. Who knows why I do that to myself.
On a really fun note - Mr D and I volunteered to create little coloring books for the kids at the upcoming sisters' wedding. I found this marvelous print to draw inspiration from. Right up the Misters' alley!
Love it. I Pinned that bad boy the second I saw it.
Alrighty, before I sign off to start some of my weekend bliss, I have decided to share just one gem with you from my work week.
Today was sharing day in our classroom and one child brought in a brand new Buzz Lightyear toy. He was letting one of the girls in the class play with it (I'm detecting a serious 5 year old crush going on here) when another little boy pushed one of the buttons. The owner yelped and woke the dead with his protests to the little boy touching his Buzz. He only wanted to share with the girl, definitely not with this little boy.
The girl said that was mean and they carried on for a minute. In the meantime, one special little boy (who is always crackin me up) walked by them and sighed heavily while shaking his head and saying, "Well, that's the problem! Boys are just not good at sharing with each other. Only girls are good at it". I couldn't hold back my snicker :]
Have a blessed weekend all!
18 stunning wedding chapels across the US
2 weeks ago
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