Thursday, August 20, 2009

that is it....

...i'm doing it. you just can't stop me, so don't even try. i am bound and determined to make this invitation thang Happen. you can tempt me all you want with your sunshine, NCIS marathons, yogurt runs, and naps! i won't be deterred! so.....take that!

here are some of my thoughts so far/things and designs that caught my eye. let me know thoughts on the matter.

i adore these colors, but maybe with a less flower-y feel

again with the flowers, but you can't tell me that invitation's not fun.

can you find the theme here? yes, i think i'm really attracted to the long and thin invitation. so...not square. so fun. how much more exciting is it to get a rectangular letter than a square one? a lot more. that's your answer. unless of course it's like a bill or something in a boring, white rectangular envelope, which is not exciting at all. but then again maybe it's a handwritten letter which is in fact exciting again. and square might just be a birthday card that generically says, Happy Birthday, You're not Getting Older, You're Getting Better. which is nice for like a day, and then you just have a card that you don't know what to do with...yes, i think about these things :]
back to the image --- i love on this one how the numbers run right off the page, that feels so nice. adds some visual interest.

this was just one run to warwicks with the camera to get some inspiration. scott likes them all...fortunately i think scott and i have very very similar taste so that makes things about a billion times easier (and way more fun).

scott is gone this weekend to the coolest nerd event of the year, so i must must be productive. and what better to do than the very thing we've been putting off? haa.

alright ~ no distractions! no deterrents! i will beat this if it's the rast fing i do!


Unknown said...

You cute thing you! I love this....I love your thoughts and idas....ummm, rectangle verses square is good! LOVE the colors! You hang in there and fight off those evil people trying to deter you from this...hahaha

Sweet Lub said...

thanks Ruthie!! i can't wait for you to see what i've been drawing. it's been a blast working on this. much more fun than i thought :]

Julie said...

Very fun Heidi!! I love the last one! And I love Ruthie too! Haha!

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