Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fat schmat

I do believe we will be hitting up the gym mañana due to my husband's rising concerns over his girlish figure. 

I think it might have something to do with these bad boys:

I was in the mood today, I don't really know what hit me, but I just announced this morning, "I feel like making doughnuts". Turned out not to be nearly as intimidating as one would think. And really. SO delicious that it's actually a very horrible thing. 

I got the recipe from The Pioneer Woman, because her pictures were so tempting and it seemed like one of the better recipes I found online. Not difficult at all and 100% worth the effort/time.

Her glaze is absolutely the bomb as well. However, I only made 2/3 the glaze recipe because 3 cups of powdered sugar seemed like too much. It turned out that 2/3 was the perfect amount. 

They turned out perfect, light and a little crispy on the outside, completely fluffy and scrumptious on the inside. 

I am very satisfied at this moment. Unfortunately, I need to make some dinner now. How does one top homemade doughnuts though?? I'll whip up some chicken dish I guess. 

Here's to a new week! And rolls for thighs! Huzzah!


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